Horse Release Form Name of Participant (Camper)* First Last Please ReadThe participant signing below assumes the unavoidable risks inherent in all horse-related activities, including, but not limited to, bodily injury and physical harm to horse, rider, and/or spectator. The participant signing below assumes the unavoidable risks inherent in the riding, handling, and presence of such animals including, but not limited to, bodily injury and physical harm to horse rider and spectator. In consideration, therefore, for the privilege of riding and/or working around horses at Camp Morrow Bible Conference, located at 79551 Morrow Road, Wamic, Oregon, the Participant does hereby agree to hold harmless and indemnify Camp Morrow and any of its employees or volunteers, and further release each from any liability or responsibility for accident damage, injury, or illness to the Participant, or to any horse owned by the Participant, or to any family member or spectator accompanying the Participant on the premise. If the Participant is a minor, Participant is required to wear approved riding helmet and must have Participant’s parent or guardian sign this agreement. If Participant is 18 years or older and does not wish to wear approved helmet, Participant must sign below to that effect. LIABILITY STATEMENT Oregon passed the Inherent Risk Bill (HB2650), which pertains to equine activities. The law now states that those who choose to participate in equine activities assume an inherent risk. Horses, just because of their size and temperament, can cause injury without incurring a liability for the owner. For example, a horse may step on someone’s foot, or buck when stung by a bee, and the owner is not liable. The primary responsibility of the owner is to try to provide a horse, which matches the rider’s ability, proved good tack, and remove any hidden or dangerous obstacles from riding areas.Choose* I am parent/guardian I am participant 18 or over Name of Parent/Guardian*By typing my name I affirm I am the Parent or Legal Guardian of the above named participant and agree to the terms above. First Last Date MM slash DD slash YYYY OPTIONS FOR OVER THE AGE OF 18 ONLYI understand that when working with, around or riding horses, there is an inherent risk involved; however, I do not wish to wear an approved riding helmet while participation in the horse-related activities at Camp Morrow. I have read completely and understand this release and the Liability Statement of the Inherent Risk Bill (BH 2650)Signature of participant 18 or over First Last Type your name in this box if you are declining to wear a helmet.Signature*Use your finger or mouse to sign in the box provided. 4026