Booking Inquiry Group/Organization Name* Group/Organization Email This field is hidden when viewing the formGroup PhoneContact Name* First Last Contact Phone*Email* Your CapacityPlease let us know your capacity (that is, your legal ability to make contracts for this group) such as director, coordinator, pastor, youth pastor etc... Approximately how many will attend your camp?*You do not have to be accurate at this point. Just your best guess so we can better know the size of your group.Camp Type* Youth Camp Family Camp Family Reunion Men's Retreat Ladies Retreat This field is hidden when viewing the formCamp TypePlease give a 1 to 3 word description of the type of camp you are planning (Youth Camp, Ladies Retreat, Men's Camp etc...)This field is hidden when viewing the formRequested Check-In Date MM slash DD slash YYYY This field is hidden when viewing the formRequested Check-Out Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Dates or approximate time you are looking for?*Let us know the dates you are looking to come or at least what time of year you are looking to come, including specific days of the week (i.e. a Sunday-Friday) and number of days. Cooking* We plan to cook our own meals. We would like to have Camp Morrow cook for our group We are undecided whether to cook or have Camp Morrow Cook for Us If your group is planning on cooking your own meals at least one person is required to have a current food handling permit.Additional InformationTerms/Conditions* I agree. I understand that pressing the "submit" button below does not guarantee a rental spot at Camp Morrow. I realize that this information will be used to help determine whether Camp Morrow is able accommodate my group. I further understand that Camp Morrow reserves the right to refuse accommodation to any group for any reason. 30469